MMA Structure | MMA Basics



The Mixed Martial Arts Structure is a Martial Arts and Fitness program created for all combat sports enthusiasts. The program is focused on creating a structured environment to help you to stay focused and motivated during your day-to-day routines related to Mixed Martial Arts.



The Mixed Martial Arts Structure is a Martial Arts and Fitness program created for all combat sports enthusiasts. The training program mixes specific and general elements of MMA. If your are a coach, this guide will help you to focus on how to structure your classes. If you are a beginner it will help you learn to fight while getting in shape. If you are a more advanced athlete, this guide will allow you to break plateaus by building a solid structure and by practicing different exercises to sharpen your skills.

The program is focused on creating a structured environment to help you to stay focused and motivated during your day-to-day routines related to Mixed Martial Arts.

With the help of step-by-step videos and a portion of theory, the program offers the opportunity to progress in all areas of combat.